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有位媽媽msg這段錄音給我。 16歲的女生剛經歷過這樣的事情, 情緒比較激動,請見諒。 但這也是她最真切的感受。 (他們說行得正企得正不用變聲, 我唔理佢,強行用software幫她變了聲) =============== 她的媽媽今早託我回覆大家: 「謝謝你,睇佐D留言,阿女一路睇一路喊,今次係感動嘅眼淚,佢覺得自己為上街為關心香港的同伴講出心聲,而原來有好多港人都好有愛,爸爸話佢今早喊住返學考試!謝謝大家!」 「我早上一早就上班了,昨晚臨睡前我和她亦再度傾談,佢思想都挺成熟的,而這次的經驗對她而言獲益良多,知道香港有很多有共同信念,共同願景的香港人!而且在此之前,她對自己的學業很緊張,緊張到我們怕她面對不起明天的DSE,但昨晚她親口說她開始釋懷,開始覺得DSE沒有那麼可怕!」 「謝謝各位,有你們讓我女兒,我們的下一代沒有陷入絕望!」 =================== 有人幫手聽著打了中英日文字版: 我今日是其中一位參與示威的人,我有一群朋友大家都是十多歲,今天(6月12日)出來不是為了打卡、不是因為朋輩影響。為什麼我們不顧一切不顧自己的安危走出來?是因為我們喜歡香港這個地方,相信香港是一個自由的地方。政府會聽我們的意見,但原來不會。 6月9號、103萬人上街,林鄭月娥(香港特首)可以把所有上街的人說的話、所表現的不當一回事。不要緊,我就當你認為我們不夠堅持,我們今天再出來。 一開始我也不敢下馬路,只敢在天橋看着示威者在樓下,我知道自己很軟弱,我在那一刻真的覺得自己很無助,我在天橋上看到在另一邊的馬路,有一位婆婆。70多80歲也願意出來,為了什麼?不是為了自己。 我作為一個中學生和同學們沒有做任何暴力的行為!而警察不斷發放催淚彈。知道我當時身處在哪裏嗎?是示威區。不單止一個催淚彈,大家都很大聲,叫你停止。告訴你們我們已經在撤退、要求你不要再放了、在走了、在疏散了。為什麼你們還要不斷在用催淚彈?你知道那邊有多少年輕人嗎?多少老人家?多少社工、基督徒?多少人走出來? 我在香港生存了16年,不能說很長,但至少這16年也讓我明白香港的核心價值在哪裏。是因為我們有自由,是因為我們以為我們在被施壓時也可以有出來抵抗、出來集會的自由。但原來並沒有,16年我所學所知的所有原來是假的。 我們的一班同學全部都很好,不顧自己先保護女生,我真的很欣賞他們。但你們到底知不知道他們多少歲?和我差不多大而己,你知不知道我有多慚愧、自責? 可能你們不知道催淚彈是什麼感受,是十分刺痛、像全身都被火燒一樣。我一邊走的時候看見在更前的人,是真的痛得只能坐在地上。那時我在商場內還是有許多催淚彈的味道,示威者真的逃走不了,只能在大叫、在問有沒有水。有許多比我做得更多的人,還在四處問示威者需不需要生理鹽水洗眼、幫受傷的人洗。 我這一輩子也不會忘記,最沒有辦法忘記的不是催淚彈有多刺眼,有多辛苦, 有多窒息。我最記得的是為什麼一群上街的、在前線的人被弄得昏迷。他們什麼也沒有做只能吶喊。到底怎麼了?難道在香港言論自由也是這樣奢侈?難道他們在申訴自己的不滿也是在犯罪? ========================= 另一人幫手打了英文版: I am one of the protester. We have a group of classmates, we are all teenagers, we went out not for posting on social media, there was no peer pressure. Why did I not are about my personal safety? Why did I not care about anything and went to the protest? Why did I do that? Because we love this place called Hong Kong. We believed that Hong Kong was, perhaps, a liberal and free place still. Government would listen to our voices, but that is not the case. June 9, 1.03 million went on the street [and protested], [Chief Executive] Lam-Cheng still doesn’t give a damn. None of the opinions expressed by the protesters matter to her. I said: Fine, you think that we would retreat. We didn’t have the stamina to go out again. At the beginning, I was too afraid to [go on the street]. I stood at the overpass and looked at the people on the street from above. I was not courageous enough to go down the overpass at first. I found myself a coward, I felt so helpless. On the overpass, I saw that there was an elderly woman on the other side. She is at least seventy or eighty years old, but she was on the street. For what? Not for herself. [*sob*] I am a secondary school student, with a group of classmates. WE DID NOTHING VIOLENT! Police kept shooting us with tear-gas. Do you know where I was? I was at the [officially assigned] demonstration area. One tear-gas bomb was not enough. We [the protesters] were all shouting: Stop […] We are retreating. Please stop. We are retreating. Why were you [the police] still using tear-gas bomb at us? Do you know how many youngsters were there? How many elderlies? How many social workers? How many Christians? They came out. [*sob*] [I am 16 years-old]. I have been in Hong Kong for 16 years. It is not a long time. But I have come to learn the Core Values of Hong Kong. We have freedom. We have the freedom to resist even when we are oppressed. The freedom to assembly. The freedom to speak to anyone who would listen. But in reality, these things don’t exist. All the things we thought we have, all the things I knew were lies. All my classmates are good people. They don’t care about themselves, they protect all their female classmates first. I really do appreciate them. Do you know how old they are? We are all at the same age. Do you know how guilty I feel right now? Perhaps you have no idea how having tear gas shot at you feel like. It hurt so much and so badly. It feels like your whole body is on fire. As I was retreating, I saw all those at the frontline. They were hurt so badly they [fell to the ground / could not stand up]. Even when I was inside the shopping mall [nearby], I could still smell the tear gas. We sat on the ground and we could do nothing but shout: is there water? There were people who did so much than I did, they were still asking me if I need water to clean myself or wash my eyes? I will remember them for life. But the things I couldn’t forget the most wasn’t how horrible the tear gas felt, how my eyes hurt, how I couldn’t breath. I couldn’t forget the many protesters, people who were hurt, people fell unconscious - they did nothing but shouting . How come freedom of speech has become so costly in Hong Kong? How come expressing our dissatisfaction has become a crime? ===================== 日文版: (今、私は)16才です。 今日デモに参加したうちの一人です。 学校の友達と一緒に参加して、みんな同世代です。 私たちこうして声を上げたのは、(ソーシャルメディアで)チェックインしたいわけでなくて、 友達に影響されたわけでもない どうして自分の安全を気にせずにデモに参加したかというと、 香港という場所が大好きだから 香港は自由があると信じてるから 政府が私の声を耳に傾けると信じてたが そうではなかった。 6月9日、103万の人が街で抗議したけど、 林鄭(行政長官・林鄭月娥)にスルーされた。 全ての人の意見や声が彼女の眼中にはなかったのだ。 (そして、)私たちの不屈さまだ届いてないかもしれないと思い、 今日再び運動に参加しました 最初、私も怯えてて、歩道橋からみんなの様子を見るしかできなかった 下に降りることができなかった 自分は弱い人間だと思う 今思うと、その時の自分が本当に無力だった 歩道橋から向こうの車道に一人70,80才ぐらいのお婆さんの姿を見えた。 高齢者さえ参加したのに どうして?自分のためではないの! 私、と高校の学友は決して暴力 など振っていない! (しかし)警察から投げられた催涙ガスはすごい数で、途絶える事がなかった。 当時私はどこにいたと思う? デモ地域だった 催涙ガス一つだけじゃ足りなかったみたいで みんなはすでに大声で止めてって言いつつ もう退いてるって言いつつ 止めてと要求して、もう離れていたことを表明したのに それなのに催涙ガスが止まらなかったのです、なぜ? そこにどれぐらい若者がいたかわかる?どれぐらいお年寄りがいたかわかる? たくさんの社会福祉士、クリスチャン、他のみんなもその場に居た! 16年間香港で生きてて これはすごく長い時間じゃない、 ただ、せめて十六年間通して分かったのが香港のコア・バリューというのは自由であること 私は圧迫されても抵抗できるという自由があると思ってた 集会の自由、言論の自由 でも実はそうではないと思い知った。 十六年間から学んだこと、知ったこと全部嘘だった。 学校の友達がみんな優しい 自分の身を気にせずにまず女子を守った すごく感心した。 彼たちはいくつかと思う? 私と同じぐらい すごく恥ずかしく思って、自分を責めてる 催涙ガス(投げられたら)どんな気分だったかわからないだろう すごく痛かった、全身火傷があるような感じだった 走って(現場から)離れた最中、前線にいた人も見て みんなも痛くて床に座るしかできなかった。 モールの中にいた時も催涙ガスの匂いが満ちていた 痛くて歩けなくなって、座るしかできなかった 何もできなくて、水があるかって叫ぶ事しか出来なかった。 自分よりもっと貢献した人がいて、 塩水いる?と周りの人たちに尋ねてて目を洗るのを手伝ってた。 生涯絶対忘れない 一番忘れないことは催涙ガスの所為でどれほど痛かったか、目がどれほど痛かったか、息ができなくてどれほど辛かったかということではない! 忘れないのは、前線に立った人と昏睡に落ちた人も居たことだ 何もやってなかったのに、ただ叫び続けたのに どうして? つまりすでに香港では言論の自由はもう贅沢品になったっていうこと?? 自分の不満を訴えることでみな法を犯したっていうこと??

有位媽媽msg這段錄音給我。 16歲的女生剛經歷過這樣的事情, 情緒比較激動,請見諒。 但這也是她最...


有位媽媽msg這段錄音給我。 16歲的女生剛經歷過這樣的事情, 情緒比較激動,請見諒。 但這也是她最...

今日教大家 📌芝士磨菇雞胸 📌吊燒雞 📌煎鵝肝 📌麵包布丁 ✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨ SANISWISS 🇨🇭消毒除油除味(只限香港) 📎https://www.saniswiss-hk-shop.com/ 只限馬拉, 新加坡粉絲連結 https://www.lazada.sg/terra-sol/?q=All-Products&langFlag=en&from=wangpu&lang=en&pageTypeId=2 ♦️Vip Code:maria 2♦️ Whatsapp🔻64188222 https://wa.me/85264188222?text=%E8%A8%82%E8%B3%BCSaniswiss%E7%94%A2%E5%93%81 ✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨ 護膚品 及 廚具及枕具購買連結🔗🔗 nine9Nine9 Shop 👉VIP Code : MAMA20 📌http://nine9nine9shop.com 📱Whatsapp:+852 94002845 ✉️[email protected] ✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨ 鵝肝和牛凍肉資料👉https://bit.ly/3adssZ3 💥💥💥肥媽粉絲優惠💥💥💥💥 優惠價+套餐折扣+禮物1+禮物2+免費送貨 $1000送可調式牛油果及水果刮刀 $2000再送扭擰調理夾 ✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨ 中英對照食譜 再一次多謝義工團的幫忙🙇‍♀️🙇‍♀️ 💥麵包布丁💥 麵包材料 📌雞蛋2隻 📌提子麵包半個,方包3塊 📌乾提子適量 📌白砂糖70g 📌玉桂粉1/2茶匙 📌鮮奶1杯 📌牛油60g(已溶) 📌焗爐用的長盤 吉士醬材料 (建議用一半份量,除非想整多少少吉士醬另有用途。) 📌蛋黃4隻 📌鷹粟粉30 gram 📌 鮮奶390 ml 📌鮮奶100 ml 📌白砂糖35g 📌 白砂糖2湯匙 📌牛油2茶匙 麵包做法 1. 雞蛋2隻放入大碗用手動打蛋器打均,之後加入白砂糖一起再打均。再加入玉桂粉,鮮奶,牛油,打均。 2. 長盤底掃上牛油。 3. 把提子麵包,方包,乾提子,均勻地鋪滿長盤內。 4. 把已發均的蛋漿倒入長盤內。之後稍等片刻,讓麵包把蛋漿全吸索。 5. 放入焗爐,調較溫度180度,共35分鐘。 吉士醬做法 6. 倒入390 ml鮮奶在平底鑊,加入白砂糖35g,用細火慢慢煮滾至起泡。 7. 另一邊把蛋黃放入大碗內,加入2湯匙白砂糖,用手動打蛋器打均至起泡。 8. 加入鷹粟粉,再打均,再把100 ml鮮奶分2次加入,攪均。 9. 把步驟6的鮮奶離火稍為攤涼大約30秒,之後逐少逐少倒入蛋漿內,邊倒邊攪均。(不可以停止攪均動作) 10. 把步驟9已攪均的鮮奶蛋漿倒回入平底鑊,開細火,再不斷攪均直到杰身,再放入牛油熄,杰身可熄火。 11. 麵包焗好後,放自己喜歡的份量在碟上,再倒入適量已煮好的吉士醬,即成。(如麵包焗好後,吉士醬放涼後太杰身,可以加入少許鮮奶稍為煮熱,稀釋一下吉士醬。) Bread Pudding with Custard Sauce (YouTube video starts at 6:49. Skip 44:51 for final process.) Ingredients: Eggs - 2 Sugar - 70g Cinnamon powder - ½ tsp Milk - 1 cup Melted butter - 60g A bowl of mixed raisins and cranberries Assorted breads - hand tear into small pieces Custard Sauce ingredients: (suggest to use half portion) Milk - 390ml Sugar - 35g Egg yolks - 4 Sugar - 2 tbsp Corn flour - 30g Milk - 100ml Melted butter - 2 tbsp Methods: 1. In a mixing bowl, add in 2 eggs and 70g sugar and beat until sugar has melted. Add in 1 tsp cinnamon powder, 1 cup milk, 60g melted butter and mix well. Set aside. 2. Grease a baking pan and add in bread pieces, scatter raisins and cranberries evenly over pan, and pour in batter prepared in Step 1. 3. Wait for batter to soak up by the bread pieces before baking it at 180C (356F) in the oven for about 30 minutes until golden brown. 4. To cook the custard sauce, in a cooking pot, add in 390ml milk, 35g sugar, and turn on LOW heat and cook until the sugar has melted and starting to bubble. Let it cool. Set aside. 5. In another mixing bowl, add in 4 egg yolks, 2 tbsp sugar, and beat until sugar has melted and frothy then add in 30g corn flour, and mix well. Add in 100ml milk in two portions and mix well. Slowly add in the milk batter prepared in Step 4 bit by bit and continue whisking to avoid cooking the egg yolks. 6. Pour the entire batter back to the cooking pot and cook on LOW heat until it has thickened by continuously whisking about 3 minutes and lastly add in 2tbsp of melted butter for the aroma and mix well. Set aside. 7. To serve, scoop couple of spoonful of baked bread on a serving plate. Add WARM custard sauce on top. Serve with ice cream, optional. If the custard sauce is too thick, just mix in a bit of milk to thin it. ✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨ 💥煎鵝肝💥 材料:鵝肝,啤利或青蘋果 調味料:鹽,黑胡椒,白醋 步驟: 1 切好啤利加上白醋 待用 2 鵝肝稍解凍切厚片加麵粉撈勻 3 燒熱鑊不用油放鵝肝煎至香加鹽及胡椒粉,趁鑊熱放啤利煮熱盛起後鵝肝放面 Pan Fried Foie Gras – Goose Liver (YouTube video starts at 55:47.) Ingredients: Goose liver - (defrost and slice into thick slices) Pear - 1 (peeled and shredded) White vinegar Flour Salt Black pepper Methods: 1. In a bowl, add in shredded pear and a bit of white vinegar. Set aside. 2. Coat the goose liver with a think layer of flour. 3. In a frying pan, DO NOT add oil. Turn on MEDIUM - LOW heat and add in goose livers and fry until both sides are golden brown. Transfer to a plate. Sprinkle salt and black pepper on top. 4. In the same frying pan, heat up the shredded pear and white vinegar. Transfer to a serving plate. Place a piece of fried goose liver on top. Serve. ✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨ 💥吊燒雞💥 材料: 雞一隻 調味料: 鹽胡椒粉五香粉 脆皮水: 白醋三湯匙,大紅淅醋二湯匙,一大湯匙麥芽糖 步驟: 1 雞捽洗乾淨,撕去肥膏,索乾水,雞身用胡椒粉,多些鹽塗勻,雞肚用鹽,胡椒粉半茶匙,五香粉大半茶匙塗勻醃20-30分鐘 2 雞頭先放滾水中淥10-20秒,手執雞頭用滾水淋雞身至雞皮轉色(不要浸)吊起 3全身塗上脆皮水(包括雞腋下)吹乾,6-8小時內重複以上步驟共三次 備註: 焗爐,氣炸鍋或燒烤爐都可以,時間約半小時 Hang-Dry Crispy Roasted Chicken (YouTube video starts at 37:51. Skip to 48:59 for final process.) Ingredients: Chicken - 1 whole (wash, remove excess fat, and pat VERY dry) Marinate ingredients: White pepper - ½ tsp Salt - more than usual Five spice powder - ½ tsp or more Crispy glazing ingredients: White vinegar - 3 tbsp Chinese red vinegar - 2 tbsp Maltose - 1 tbsp (for glossy crispy skin) Methods: 1. Marinate the whole chicken with more salt than usual. Marinate only the cavity with five spice powder and white pepper. Let it stand for at least 20 to 30 minutes the most. 2. In a bowl, add in white and red vinegar, maltose, and warm up a bit in the microwave. Stir and mix well with a pastry brush. This is the crispy glazing liquid. 3. In a cooking pot, add water and bring to a boil. Add in the chicken head and neck first by grabbing the back of the chicken and cook for about 20 seconds. With a towel, cover the chicken head and hold tight with one hand over the cooking pot while pouring hot water over the chicken with a ladle with the other hand for about 20 seconds and until the skin turns light yellow. For roasted duck, add peppercorn, star anise, bay leaf, and sugar to marinate and use the same method as above. 4. Hang the whole chicken for 6 – 8 hours. Place a tray underneath the chicken to collect the drippings. Brush a layer of the crispy glazing liquid over the entire chicken including corners of wings. Repeat this glazing process 3 times during the 6 – 8 hours of dry hanging the chicken. 5. Air fry or bake in the oven for first 20 minutes at 200C (392F) for it to brown then reduce heat and bake for further 10 minutes until cooked. ✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨ 💥芝士磨菇雞胸💥 村料: 📌雞胸 📌白色草蘑菇 (原個放盆底用在第5步驟。準備一些切碎在第7步驟用) 📌切達芝士 (cheddar cheese) 📌莫扎里拉芝士(mozzarella cheese) 📌蒜頭及乾蔥各一個🧄 📌麵粉 📌牛油 📌欖油 📌牛奶一杯 📌水 調味料: 📌鹽、蒜鹽 📌黑胡椒粉 📌雞粉或菇粉 做法: 1.煮之前先將雞胸浸在加了少許鹽的水中1 小時 (會令它煮後不會鞋) 2.在雞胸中間開一個洞做成一個好似口袋/荷包狀(pocket) *注意不要介斷或介得太深* 萬一荷包的開口介得太大; 可用牙籤連結補救* 3.用鹽或蒜鹽、少許胡椒粉淹雞胸. 因為是雪雞關係所以要放少許雞粉;或可用茹粉 4. 將牛油紙(用錫紙更好)搾一搾再塞入雞胸的荷包內幫助定型,待用 5.白蘑菇原個先放些麵粉炒一炒. 平均分放在盆的底部再加一匙多小小的麵粉撈勻, 另加些黑胡椒,蒜鹽及牛油分小塊平均放在菇面待用 6.用鑊中,加入欖油和牛油先煎雞胸,將雞胸放下定了荷包的型,然後放在盛了蘑菇的盆面上,待用 7.用同一隻煎完雞胸的鑊和油,加入切碎的乾葱及蒜頭各一粒炒香, 加入切碎的蘑菇, 然後再加二小匙麵粉炒幾下,另加入牛奶和少許水再炒熱,倒入荷包和盆內 8.焗之前在盆面放些碎的切達及莫扎里拉芝士(cheddar and mozzarella cheese) 9.將盆放入氣炸煱或焗爐用180度焗10分鐘後,拿出來再放多些芝士再焗5-8分鐘,再焗的時間視乎蘑菇有沒有排出水份 Baked Cheese Mushroom Stuffed Chicken Breast (YouTube video starts at 22:28. Skip to 52:59 for final process.) Ingredients: Chicken breast - 3 pieces (soaked overnight in salt water for tenderness, pat dry and slit a deep hole on the side to create a pocket) Button mushrooms Shallot - 1 clove (minced) Garlic - 1 clove (minced) Flour Milk Marinate ingredients: White pepper - to taste Garlic-salt - to taste Chicken bouillon powder - a pinch (for more flavor for previously frozen poultry) Black pepper - to taste Topping ingredients: Cheddar cheese Mozzarella cheese Methods: 1. Marinate chicken breasts with white pepper, garlic-salt, chicken bouillon powder and stuff a piece of parchment paper or aluminum foil paper in the pocket to mould the shape of each of the chicken breasts. Set aside. 2. In a baking pan, add in button mushrooms, flour to coat and mix well, and add in white pepper, garlic-salt, and black pepper to taste. Spread butter pieces on top. Set aside. 3. In a frying pan, add in olive oil, butter, chicken breast with the pocket side down including the parchment paper inside and fry briefly until the shape is formed and lightly fry on all sides then remove the parchment paper. Transfer to a plate and set aside. 4. In the same frying pan with leftover flavor, add in minced shallot and garlic, flour, milk, and cook until well incorporated. Set aside. 5. To assemble, stuff the chicken breast with some button mushrooms and place it on top of the baking pan in Step 2. Pour shallot and garlic sauce inside the pocket of the chicken breast and over the pan. Sprinkle cheese toppings on top. 6. Air fry for 12 minutes at 180C then add more cheese toppings on top and air fry for another minute or longer depending on the moisture from the mushrooms.

今日教大家 📌芝士磨菇雞胸 📌吊燒雞 📌煎鵝肝 📌麵包布丁 ✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨ SANISWIS...